“Blendjet Unleashed: Navigating the Next Frontier in Evolution”

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since the end october, i have been using my blendjet portable blender. it was time for an honest review. I find it very useful if you like smoothies and are always on the go.This is not an sponsored review. Why do I need to buy a portable blender? If you know me, then you know I drink smoothies every day. I started a new job in September that required me leave at 7am. I was usually home after 7pm. This meant that smoothies would be a no-no .I never imagined myself drinking a beer in the morning or at night. My body was in need of my healthy smoothies. I only had them on weekends.I’d seen Blendjet Portable Blender ads for some time and thought it might solve my problem. It did!

Where did I buy it?

I bought my Blendjet blender online and paid with paypal. It cost me $36 plus shipping. It arrived around three weeks later in Mauritius and I only had to pay the tax of Rs50 at the Port Louis post office.

Why did I choose Blendjet?

chose Blend Jet

  I was convinced very quickly. It was easy to use and light enough to be carried around. The charging was easy; it has a USB port that you can use to connect your phone charger or laptop I wouldn’t recommend it for my laptop. I’ve never had any issues with this product.

The colors are adorable!

How do I use it?


Every Monday I bring my blender to the office, I leave it there all week, and then on Friday I bring it home. It is only charged on Sunday night or Monday morning. The charging time is only 2 to 3 hours, which is very convenient. It only takes me a few hours to charge and I can have a tall glass of fruit smoothies every day. The number of times is used really does matter. According to its use, you can make 10 cups using a full charge.

Prepare my smoothies:

Blender is smaller, so large chunks will not work. My fruits and vegetables have to be diced Rule of thumb: the harder the fruit, the smaller it should be cut.


Then I add my fruits. Next, I add the fruits.  Don’t overload your blender, as it will cause the fruit to get stuck. Add them in by the handful. The lid is placed and the blender does its magic. My smoothie is ready in just a few moments. I only need to pour it into a glass. The thickness of your smoothie will be determined by the amount of liquids and fruits that you use. I have never used the strainer that comes with the blendjet Portable Blender.

How do I wash it?

First, I give it a good rinse.  After that, I’ll add some washing detergent and fill the container with water. Press the power button after placing the lid. Then I will give it a thorough rinse. I will wash the outside as I would any other glass, but with more care as I do not want to get water into the power area. The lid is washed in the usual way. After that, I turn it upside-down to let it dry.The size is convenient and easy to use. It fits in your bag easily and is lightweight. It can be used anywhere It can be used anywhere, as long as it is fully charged. I can drink directly from my device if I don’t have a glass. Just make sure you don’t hit the power button, or else I will be covered in smoothies. 

Quick Charge

The Blendjet Portable Blender can be charged in just 3 hours. This is very convenient. As I mentioned, I charge it only once a month because I make 5 to 7 smoothies per week.

Quick Smoothies

The Blades are so powerful that it only takes a few minutes to prepare your drinks.


Blendjet regularly posts recipes and tutorials that give you many ideas for using the portable blender.

The CHARGER: Things to improve

Blendjet could consider providing an adapter in addition to the USB cable. It would be very useful. So that’s my first review of Foodwini. This is my opinion, not a review that I was paid to write.

Ore incidents of BlendJet 2

CR urges the Federal Government and the Manufacturer to address immediately serious safety concerns Consumer Reports has re-issued its cautionary warning four months after it advised consumers to use caution while using the popular BlendJet 2 handheld blender. Three injuries have been reported, prompting Consumer Reports’ to increase the level of the warning. Ashita Kapoor is CR’s Associate Director of Product Safety. She warns that BlendJet 2 has been linked to many serious safety concerns as reported by its users. If consumers continue to use the BlendJet 2 CR advises caution, to ensure that the blades are not broken or the product has not overheated. In a letter sent to the Consumer Product Safety Commission today, CR safety specialists are reissuing a previous appeal for federal agency . They urge the agency to investigate immediately potential hazards associated with the product and to take whatever actions necessary to protect consumers. CR first raised the issue during the summer The blender was found dangerous in two ways: first, by a letter sent to the CPSC in June, and second, through 12 complaints made to SaferProducts.gov, as well as our own tests. The CPSC replied that they were aware of reports about incidents involving blenders but couldn’t comment on enforcement or investigations. The CPSC responded the same to CR’s latest concerns. Portable blenders have a small, lightweight design and are powered by batteries. They allow users to blend shakes, smoothies and other drinks on the move. They are operated by a push button and have a smaller power than standard blenders. The blending jar is often used as a cup. The lithium-ion battery is usually charged with a USB cord. BlendJet 2 was introduced in 2020 and is one of the most popular portable mixers available.

Three injuries reported

Three reports of injuries were included in the eight most recent complaints filed with the CPSC. The first involved a blender which reportedly exploded. Another involved a 2-year old who accidentally turned on the BlendJet 2 with its lid off and placed her hand inside. From the complaint, it was not clear what these injuries were. In a third case involving an injury it was reported that a blender began smoking when it was plugged into the wall and the son of the complainant burned his finger while unplugging the appliance. Two consumers also reported that blades broke while in use. One woman found a piece of the serrated Blade of the BlendJet about 1/2 inch long while she was drinking the protein smoothie that she had made. The woman wasn’t injured.Two other reports concerned blenders that began melting while charging. Another report involved a blender that would not shut off. The consumer was forced to smash it into a driveway to try to stop it.


These complaints included reports about charging cords which melted or smoked, and one instance of the lithium-ion blender battery catching fire. In three of these complaints, pieces of the blade of the blender broke off while in use. Two complained that the blender would operate without the lid, citing it as a potential danger for children. These claims dated between February and August 2023. Rasiel stated that the manufacturer has begun rolling out an updated configuration for the BlendJet 2 Base in response to these earlier reports. Customers who purchased a BlendJet 2 after August 2023 should receive a new product.Rasiel stated that the new bases are serial numbers 5543 and higher. Consumer Reports will repurchase the modified BlendJet 2 and reevaluate it in the coming weeks. They will then report the results. stated that the company is “closely watching the situation, listening to feedback and taking other appropriate steps to ensure customer satisfaction.”

CR’s Tests on the BlendJet

CR tested the BlendJet 2, as part of the blender testing program, in August 2022. However, it did not include the product in its ratings because it did not meet the safety standards required by CR for products rated. The BlendJet 2 also failed to meet the requirement of having a power cord. According to CR’s ratings, this blender received a lower rating than other blenders. In August 2023 CR, in response to consumer complaints, ran several tests on the BlendJet 2, including a test of durability using crushed ice. This is similar to what we do for personal mixers. The BlendJet 2 blades jammed several times and the red warning light flashed during our tests. The personal mixers are similar. During our testing, the BlendJet 2 blades jammed multiple times and flashed red during our tests. However, once unjammed it was able resume normal operation. The blade assembly of the sample blender broke after 38 minutes. We observed the BlendJet 2, while it was charging, but found no evidence of any danger with the cables, the power supply or the blender.

Crushing ice cube

Rasiel stated at the time and reiterated in his most recent communication that the BlendJet 2 was not meant to be used for crushing ice. This is in spite of the fact that its marketing shows it being used to crush ice cubes and that retailers describe it as “powerful”. He also reiterated that, following these more recent reports that children shouldn’t use BlendJet unattended, and that it should He said that the BlendJet 2 was not a toy and that the company stood by their marketing. This includes blenders with Disney characters like Cinderella and Ariel. He listed several features that would keep children safe. One of them was a lock mode, which prevents the blender being accidentally turned on.

BlendJet’s safety

William Wallace, CR’s associate director for safety policy, says that BlendJet is responsible for providing more information to its customers so that they can determine whether their safety may be at risk. We urge the CPSC and the company to investigate these issues. If any blenders are defective, they should be recalled, and customers offered a refund.


since the end october, i have been using my blendjet portable blender. it was time for an honest review.. I find it very useful if you like smoothies and are always on the go.This is not an sponsored review. Why do I need to buy a portable blender? If you know me, then you know I drink smoothies every day. I started a new job in September that required me leave at 7am. I was usually home after 7pm. This meant that smoothies would be a no-no .I never imagined myself drinking a beer in the morning or at night. My body was in need of my healthy smoothies. I only had them on weekends. I’d seen Blendjet Portable Blender ads for some time and thought it might solve my problem. It did!

Where did I buy it?

I bought my Blendjet blender online and paid with paypal. It cost me $36 plus shipping. It arrived around three weeks later in Mauritius and I only had to pay the tax of Rs50 at the Port Louis post office.

Why did I choose Blendjet?

  I was convinced very quickly. It was easy to use and light enough to be carried around. The charging was easy; it has a USB port that you can use to connect your phone charger or laptop I wouldn’t recommend it for my laptop. I’ve never had any issues with this product. The colors are adorable!

How do I use it?


Every Monday I bring my blender to the office, I leave it there all week, and then on Friday I bring it home. It is only charged on Sunday night or Monday morning. The charging time is only 2 to 3 hours, which is very convenient. It only takes me a few hours to charge and I can have a tall glass of fruit smoothies every day. The number of times is used really does matter.According to the website, you can make 10 cups using a full charge.


Blender is smaller, so large chunks will not work. My fruits and vegetables have to be diced Rule of thumb: the harder the fruit, the smaller it should be cut.


Then I add my fruits. Next, I add the fruits.  Don’t overload your blender, as it will cause the fruit to get stuck. Add them in by the handful. The lid is placed and the blender does its magic. My smoothie is ready in just a few moments. I only need to pour it into a glass. Thickness of smoothie I have never used the strainer that comes with the blendjet Portable Blender.

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